The ultimate virgin, Sir Richard Branson was in Mumbai recently. He was pitching among other things Space Tourism. There was a huge supplement in today’s paper about its future. Tucked in the middle pages of today’s paper was a debate about Slum Tourism. It apparently is the next big offering in India for foreigners.
It is a guided tour where a group of people gets a chance to get a firsthand look at the pathetic living conditions of fellow human beings. Mumbai is like a big slum and every day I get this tour during my drive to and from work. You see these people defecating and showering and getting ready to work. You see them cooking and their semi-naked children playing. All that is left is like 50 square feet of space with a roof rigged with tin, tarp or newspapers with a little of their belongings. Apparently these human beings do not deserve that one last shred of dignity and privacy. People can barge in unannounced and take photographs and videos. This further demonizes the white foreigner who is presumed to be American.
Apparently these tours are organized by NGOs and there are “guidelines”. But who ensures that the guidelines are being followed? Something needs to be done to address this issue. But it is not that simple. I remember a few years back, the government gave them free housing. But it was located far from where these people work. So they rented out their homes and moved back to the slums as it was a more convenient arrangement and they made some extra cash from the rent.
Personally, I still cannot believe that people would be willing to pay to go and see the squalid living conditions of others, whatever their intent may be. I guess there are no limits to voyeurism these days and I shudder to think what will be next.
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