Friday, September 12, 2008

Finding bliss in Miami

I just finished reading "The Geography of Bliss: One Grump's Search for the Happiest Places in the World".

This is a book by a guy who was working in India and comes back to the US and decides to move to of all places…Miami. It reminded me of someone else who did something similar, though the author has since moved back to Washington D.C. The theme of the book from what I got was that if you are living in the US, you will not find bliss in Miami. Well there goes my idea for a book.

A self confessed grump, searches for bliss in various countries and continents and constantly throws up references about Miami when say coming across mad driving in Qatar or rudeness in Moldova and so on. It was more fun for me because almost every incident he talks about say in Switzerland or Moldova or Bhutan seemed like something that could happen in India. He covers that part rather nicely in the chapter on India.

Each chapter covers a country and the book is set up nicely to cover two important countries India and the USA, at the end. I had to shake my head and laugh loudly as I was there…in India dealing with the contradictions everyday and I am here…in Miami dealing with the rudeness, everyday... When I talk to friends and relatives and tell them I moved to Miami, I have to move the phone away to let them say their Oohs and Aaahs for a few minutes. What do they know…as they say “Ignorance is bliss”.